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Blue Lotus is comprised of a diverse group of well-rounded, modern,  and open-minded practitioners; Jessica Luchini, Miguel Espada, and Susan Brown. We specialize in somatic and holistic practices, quantum mechanics, and positive & spiritual psychology.


We assist a variety of clients from notable personalities and renowned CEOs to illustrious and prominent musicians to our next-door neighbors, mothers and fathers, friends, co-workers, grandparents, and more. We support a diverse community including folks suffering from addictions and help the neuro-divergent demographic.


We believe that you can be spiritually inclined without having to succumb to a particular religion. In a world of complex problems, we like to keep things simple and treat others the way we wish to be treated. 


For credential purposes, our founder, Jessica Luchini, obtained her Psychology (Clinical Mental Health) degrees from the University of Texas and Argosy University Nashville. She is on the American Board of Hypnotherapy and is certified with Nuero-Masters Academy for Rapid Hypnosis, NLP, and Q.H.H.T. (Dolores Cannon). Jessica is also a certified Yoga Instructor, Reiki Master, and an experienced equine therapist and sobriety/lifestyle coach. Susan Brown graduated from the University of New Mexico with her PhD in Psychology and Clinical Mental Health. Miguel Espada is a certified Yoga Instructor and wellness coach. 

Guided Meditation


“Blue Lotus Wellness has been a life-changing experience for me. The personalized approach and effective tools have helped me find my inner strength and balance. I highly recommend their services to anyone looking for a holistic wellness journey.”


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